born in 1950 in Pécs, Hungary, completed his doctorate in general medicine in 1974. From 1974 to 1980, he worked as a researcher in neurology at the University of Pécs. From 1980 he was editor, then editor-in-chief, of the Pécs literary monthly Jelenkor. In 1993, he founded the Jelenkor Publishing House in Pécs, which he directed until 2015. Gábor Csordás is, among others, the publisher of Péter Nádas, László Darvasi, and a library of contemporary philosophy. He has received several prizes for literature and translation, including the Leipzig Recognition Prize for European Understanding in 2004, the Solidarność Memorial Medal in 2005, and the Serbian PEN Club Translator’s Prize in 2007. He translates from English, French, German, Serbian, Croatian, and Polish.