Marion Kraft
is a Germanist and Americanist, PhD in literature, author, editor and translator. Her publications in German and English include The African Continuum and African American Women Writers – Their Literary Presence and Ancestral Past (Lang, 1995) and the anthology she edited Kinder der Befreiung – Transatlantische Erfahrungen und Perspektiven Schwarzer Deutscher der Nachkriegsgeneration (Unrast, 2015). Her most recent collection of essays Empowerment and Resistance – Inspiring Encounters with Audre Lorde was published by w_orten & meer in 2020. She has taught at schools and universities in Germany and the USA. As a translator, she has translated works by Emma Dabiri, Buchi Emecheta, Amanda Gorman and Audre Lorde, among others, into German.